Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Serach only word documents in sharepoint 2007 search.

Serach only word documents in sharepoint 2007 search.
There are two ways to search only word documents in sharepoint site

1. Creating Search Scope
2. Property search

1. Creating Search Scope:Navigate to "Search Settings" in Search Category.
Click on "Metadata Property Mappings" and check for "FileExtension" has check for 'Allow this property to be used in scopes' as below.

Now click on "View scopes" in Scopes category. Click on "New Scope" provide the following detailsTitle as "word docs" and select "Use the default Search Results Page" radio button and click on "ok"click on "Add rules" against to newly created "word docs" and provide following informationselect "Property Query (Author = John Doe)"select "FileExtension" from Add Property restrictions dropdown.provide "doc" value in the subsequent "Require" radio on "ok"Go back to search settings, click on 'Content sources and crawl schedules' select 'Start Incremental crawl' from'Content sources and crawl schedules'.
That's it. Go back to sharepoint site. Navigate to 'Advanced Search'.provide the keyword that you want to search in "All of these words:" and select "Word docs" from 'Result type'and click on 'Search' button to get the expected result.

2. For example if you are looking for "title" keyword in word documents.provide the information as 'title filetype:doc' in search box which yields the same results as above for this no need to set the search scope